A Great Solution to a Livestock Grower’s Concern
by Jim Paulson, High Oil Corn Project Director
High Oil Corn Brings More Nutrition Value

Feed costs make up over half of the expense of raising livestock, whether that is dairy cows, pigs, chickens or other livestock. Profitability is always greatly influenced by feed cost. With the high prices for grain and protein, anything that can lower feed costs will help the bottom line in livestock production. Energy Edge corn can help with that.
KF57H50 will produce corn grain with almost 2X as much corn oil, or more, in the grain as regular No. 2 corn. It also will be about 10% higher in crude protein. It is the added nutritional value that is a real plus for livestock producers. Cattle, pigs and chickens all need minimum amounts of nutrients every day. What we don’t have in our home-grown feeds, we must buy. Growing high oil corn allows us to harvest more nutrients on our acres, saving on purchased feed costs. It provides an excellent ROI.
Byron Seed and Brown Seed have been collaborating to develop improved high oil corn varieties that yield more, are higher in energy and protein than regular #2 yellow corn; and, perform in the field. Energy Edge corn is a result of this collaboration. Energy Edge corn is a line-up of an Ultra high oil corn that will average 9% oil, well over twice regular field corn. Research has also shown it to be higher in protein and amino acids, as well as more digestible than regular field corn. This combination of higher energy and protein in the corn greatly increases its value to a livestock grower.
Byron Seed offers different options for Energy Edge high oil corn. The first is KF57H50, a variety of Ultra-High-Oil. This corn variety has been getting extensive selection testing over the last ten years and now is the best high-oil corn available on the market. It is an excellent choice for any of your farm feed grain needs. It will bring more nutrients to the feed in a very digestible grain. Our field trials have shown it to yield competitively to conventional corn with added value when feeding.
There is a trade-off in the corn kernel with high oil corn: more protein and oil content for a little less starch. It is important to understand that because oil weighs less than starch, test weights will be about average for corn. But the energy is greater, and the starch is not a hard, flinty starch.
Another option for those that want to add some high oil corn to their feed is what we call our SideKick Blend. It is composed of 70% of 57C80 and 30% Energy Edge 57H50. This is an excellent pairing for corn silage or grain on an organic dairy farm. The SideKick Blend offers the synergy of two hybrids working in sync to bring high performance in the field and a high performing silage or 6% oil grain for your feed needs.
Some guidelines for producers who plant 57H50. High oil corn needs heat units, healthy soils and good fertility. When it also receives the rain it needs, you will be impressed with the performance. I would recommend planting at 28- 32,000 population and in warm soil. Remember the “Top 5 Factors” for growing a high yielding corn crop. Top fertility is important! High oil corn needs nitrogen, sulfur and boron to make a bigger germ, as well as P and K. Place it on the best fields to get the best results.